Workers Compensation Lawyer Palm Beach
For most people, when they hear about workers’ compensation benefits, they usually associate these benefits with a serious injury that occurs on a job site, like a back injury or amputation. However, there are a great many workers’ compensation claims that are filed by workers who have developed an occupational illness. Many of these illnesses take years to develop before symptoms begin showing up, however, the outcome for the worker is often a devastating – and fatal – one. A Palm Beach, Florida workers compensation lawyer understands that exposure to toxic chemicals and materials can result in a number of occupational illnesses that can forever impact a worker’s life.
Occupational Illnesses
Whether a worker suffers a sudden work injury or an illness that took years to develop, Florida law says that worker is entitled to benefits under our state’s workers’ compensation statutes. It does not matter if the injury or illness was the fault of the employer or employee (as long as the employee’s behavior or action was not intentional in order to cause themselves harm). There are certain requirements under the law in order to protect the worker’s right to collect, such as the timeframe they have to file their claim, and a Palm Beach workers compensation lawyer can assist with that filing.
The following are some of the more common occupational illnesses that workers in this country suffer from include asbestosis and lead poisoning. Asbestosis is caused by inhaling asbestos fibers that enter the lungs, causing severe damage. Asbestos is a material that was used for decades in all kinds of products, including building material like cement and insulation. Asbestosis symptoms do not appear for decades after the victim has sustained long-term exposure, while the asbestos fibers create scarring of the lungs. Symptoms of the illness include shortness of breath and chronic coughing. There is no known treatment or cure for asbestosis and the condition leaves the victim at an increased risk of lung cancer.
A workers compensation lawyer in Palm Beach knows that another common but dangerous occupational illness that works suffer from is lead poisoning. Just like asbestos, lead used to be a common ingredient used in house paint and many older buildings still contain this paint. Construction workers and others working in older builders may be exposed to the lead in paint and dust. It can take a long time for the symptoms of lead poisoning to appear since the lead needs to reach a high level in the victim’s blood before the issue can actually be detected. Lead poisoning can leave a worker suffering from pain, fertility issues, and long-term or permanent neurological issues.
Call Our Office Today
If you or a loved one is suffering from an occupational illness, you need a skilled workers compensation lawyer Palm Beach families trust advocating for you. These cases can be complex, especially when employers and insurance companies often disputing claims and attempting to avoid liability. Call the Law Offices of Franks, Koenig & Neuwelt and let us help you and your family get the compensation you deserve.