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Workers Comp Attorneys Palm Beach | Franks, Koenig, Neuwelt

Palm Beach, Workers Compensation Lawyers That Fight For You

Hiring a workers compensation attorney in Palm Beach is an excellent first step in the often overwhelming insurance claims process. How do you choose a reliable workers compensation attorney? It is essential, as an injured worker, that you choose a Palm Beach workers compensation attorney who understands your unique circumstances and can work well for you. Our workers compensation lawyers in Palm Beach bring depth of experience and specific focus to your case. In this way, we can obtain the maximum workers compensation benefits to which you are entitled under the law.

Workers Compensation Lawyers In Palm Beach

Florida’s Workers Compensation Law

Each state has its own particular regulations surrounding workers’ compensation law. In general, Florida mandates that employers with at least four employees provide workers’ compensation insurance, with the exception of construction businesses, which are required to carry such insurance when there is at least one employee. As the conditions and regulations around accidents vary, so too may an employer’s helpfulness in such an event. Your state workers’ compensation will, ideally, be self-executing. However, our Palm Beach workers’ compensation lawyers recognize that this is not always the case. You may require some extra guided assistance through the process to obtain your benefits. If you find this is the case for you, contact our highly knowledgeable Palm Beach Florida workers’ compensation attorneys.

Workers Compensation Benefits in Florida

Florida’s injured workers may receive various benefits under state law, and we ensure you obtain them. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Medical costs
  • Physical therapy costs
  • Transportation to and from treatment
  • Lost wage benefits
  • Pain and suffering

With decades of combined experience as workers compensation lawyers in Palm Beach Florida, our attorneys boast an extensive knowledge of Florida workers compensation law. With this knowledge, we provide excellent service and advice to injured workers in Palm Beach and the surrounding area.

Contact a Workers Compensation Lawyer in Palm Beach

Many injured workers seek the aid of a workers compensation lawyer because they lack the funds to support their recovery and cost of living. Attorney fees need not add to that financial strain. Our workers compensation attorneys in Palm Beach Gardens will help you obtain the medical benefits and lost wages you deserve, and will not take any payment until your own compensation is secured. In this way, you can ensure that our Palm Beach workers compensation attorneys always have your best interests at heart.

Workers Compensation Attorneys Palm Beach FL
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