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What Makes a Boilermaker Job So Dangerous? - Workers Compensation Lawyer

Of all the construction roles, boilermakers make the top list for most dangerous jobs in the construction field. The benefit of such risk, is they are also one of the highest paid jobs in the construction industry. The role of a boilermaker is to install, repair and assemble boilers or other containers which hold gas, heat or liquids. They must also be able to read blueprints, update boilers as needed and test containers for leaks or defects.

If you have recently been injured due to performing a boilermaking task, you can consult with of a construction accident lawyer in Milwaukee Wisconsin for assistance. We understand how tough a construction job may be on your body, especially in the event you become ill or suffer a severe injury.

Boilermaker Asbestos Exposure

Starting around the 1920’s, many companies that manufactured boilers preferred using asbestos for insulation. Asbestos materials were inexpensive yet effective in fireproofing boilers or other containers. Asbestos was used in wrapping pipes, in addition to blanketing floors and walls for heat resistance. Doors and joints were sealed using gaskets made with asbestos. Because of the frequent use of asbestos in boilermaking, workers were often exposed to harmful airborne fibers.

Long exposure to asbestos can lead to severe and even life-threatening conditions such as mesothelioma. This risk is higher for boilermakers due to needing to file down or hammer boiler edges which contain asbestos. All too often workers are completing tasks in very small spaces with not enough ventilation.

Partial Loss of Vision

While working on a boiler, an employee can be risking an eye injury due to material breaking away and flying into the eyes. Even with a protective helmet and eye gear, the speed at which a fragmented material may propel can slice through goggles. Sometimes, boilermakers must work in cramped spaces and risk their body being hit with a malfunctioning part that needs replacing, or harmful chemicals. The lenses of a welding helmet may not be totally impact resistant, putting your fragile eyes at risk.

Your employer needs to be held accountable for any negligence in safety precautions, or not offering protective measures that meet the needs of the job.

Thank you to the attorneys at Hickey & Turim SC for providing insight on boilermaker work and construction.


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