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Patellar Tendonitis: Causes and Treatments

Patellar tendonitis occurs within the knee of an injured individual. The patella, also known as the knee bone, has a tendon the runs from itself, down to the shin. This tendon is responsible for a large amount of knee movement. Patellar tendonitis, also referred to as “jumper’s knee,” is the inflammation of the tendon. This can result in swelling in and around the knee as well as mild to intense pain within the knee.  If you feel any pain or are having any doubts, contact knee doctor Gaithersburg MD to answer your questions.


This inflammation is usually caused by repeated motions or impact to the knee. It is sometimes referred to as jumper’s knee because it is common in jumping sports: volleyball, basketball, and various track and field events. Although, you don’t have to be an athlete to experience it. For some individuals, their work requirements may lead to patellar tendonitis. Other causes include:

  • Obesity. If you are severely overweight, the excessive mass applies additional force to all movements associated with the knee. This stress to the knee can cause the patellar tendon to develop small tears and swell.
  • Disproportionate leg strength. If one leg is stronger than the other, or certain muscles in the leg dwarf others, it can lead to patellar tendonitis. The unbalance in the muscles surrounding the knee can cause stress on the weaker areas which may lead to instability and injury.
  • Hard surfaces. Especially for athletes, running, jumping, or even walking on hard surfaces can cause damage to the patellar tendon. Though there is cartilage in the knee to help absorb shock, sometimes it is not enough. Hard surfaces do not dissipate shock like softer surfaces; this can result in the knee absorbing more impact from activities.

Treatment Options

Though the treatment that best suits your specific injury should be discussed with your doctor, there are some common treatment methods used in addressing patellar tendonitis. In general, rest is often recommended to allow the tendon to heal. There are certain stretches and exercises used for strengthening the tendon and surrounding muscles that can also be implemented. In general, the earlier that patellar tendonitis is diagnosed and addressed, the better the chances are of effectively treating it.

Worker’s Compensation

Although the cause of patellar tendonitis may vary, occasionally it can be due to working conditions. If you are experiencing a knee injury as the result of hazardous working conditions, contact a lawyer who specializes in worker’s compensation. You may be entitled to treatment expenses and other damages incurred as a result of your injury.  


Thank you to Pain Arthritis Relief Center for providing the insight on Patellar Tendonitis

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