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Aggressive Workers Compensation Attorney Palm Beach County | Franks, Koenig & Neuwelt

Aggressive Workers Compensation Attorney Palm Beach CountyAn aggressive workers compensation attorney in Palm Beach County at Franks, Koenig & Neuwelt is aware that when employees think of workers’ compensation, they may not realize their perspectives are filled with misconceptions. Unfortunately, these incorrect beliefs about what workers’ compensation is and does may be what causes employees to think they are aren’t eligible to receive it when it matters most. Not having a full understanding of the inner workings of workers’ comp isn’t an uncommon occurrence. 

It is encouraged of the employee to seek help and information from a FL aggressive workers compensation attorney in Palm Beach County if they become sick or injured due to the workplace. By unraveling misconceptions, more workers may feel empowered to file for the workers’ compensation benefits they need to get better. 

Q: What if I report the injury, will my employer will assume I am fraudulent?

A: Injured workers may be wrongfully viewed as malingerers who are trying to take advantage of the system and their employers. But statistically, only up to 2% of all workers’ compensation claims are in fact fraudulent. By contrast, an employer is actually more likely to commit fraud than an employee.

For instance, an employer may under report payroll or incorrectly classify workers intentionally so they can pay less in coverage premiums. This form of fraud costs state workers’ comp programs millions of dollars. And yet, it is the injured employees who may be viewed as the fraudulent party. 

If you are made to feel like you are being fraudulent in your workers’ compensation claim, then it’s time to meet with a Palm Beach County, FL aggressive workers compensation attorney for help. 

Q: Under workers’ compensation benefits, is my employer in charge of my medical care?

A: Yes and no. While by state law your employer may require that you see a work-assigned doctor for care, this doesn’t mean they have complete say in your medical care plan. Depending on your state, it may be necessary to visit a doctor hired by your employer initially, but then you can be seen by your primary physician for an exam and treatment. 

If your employer has hired an insurance agency to handle workers’ compensation claims, these people are the ones in charge of looking over, approving, or denying your treatment. While this insurance carrier may have some say in medical decisions, they aren’t always binding. 

If you have been denied medical care by your employer, we suggest contacting a Palm Beach County aggressive workers compensation attorney in FL so you have someone helping fight for the treatment you need. 

Q: Are only physical injuries covered under workers’ compensation benefits?

A: Physical injuries like broken bones, pulled muscles and lacerations are all covered under workers’ comp programs. However, this doesn’t mean that symptoms beyond physical ailments are not covered. Employees may be entitled to compensation under this program for mental health challenges that developed due to the workplace, such as anxiety, PTSD, and depression. 

It is crucial that you act fast when it comes to getting legal help for a workers’ compensation claim. Please contact our dedicated and strategic team of Palm Beach County aggressive workers compensation attorneys in Florida at Franks, Koenig & Neuwelt today for more information about how we can be of service. 

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